Fermented Landscapes
Unnothing (Kimchi)
An examination of one’s hard drive and a question of what happens to the years of photos and videos stored and forgotten? How have these places changed outside the archive of stills and moving image and what has become of the landscape physically and phenomenologically? Does the image carry the same weight when first captured? They stay, held in an enclosed environment to create their own culture of time, fermenting in themselves and brought to the present in a new form.
A recording of a terminal man reflects upon times passed, recounting a self-motivated quest for the cure of his disease. An experiment that may or may not have gone as intended, calling to a higher sense of connectivity with a symbiotic organism known as lichen.
Scientists are still trying to examine how much of the bond that was created is due to psychosis, and how much of the “inner garden” helped or hurt them in the end.
Transcendental Alcoholism
Coming soon!